Being college students who are constantly on the lookout for the healthiest, cheapest, and (most importantly) yummiest groceries, Caitlin and I thought it would be a good idea to do a segment on Sundays about our favorite grocery finds! This week I've decided to tell you guys about Soul Vegan Macaroni and Cheese. About a week ago, my parents and I were at Whole Foods and were offered samples of this scrumptious mac and cheese. It was one of those fateful grocery store samples where as soon as you get the tiniest taste, you are immediately grabbing armfuls of boxes and putting them in your cart to buy. This mac and cheese is 100% vegan and 100% delicious.
It comes from a sustainable Chicago-based company that makes all vegan dishes known as Soul Vegan. Whole Foods is currently offering their BBQ Delights rib tips, macaroni and cheese, and lasagna. These dishes all contain no animal products and a list of ingredients that you can actually read in one breath and understand! This is a company that I am proud to support.
The other night I made my macaroni and cheese in the oven with some steamed butternut squash on the side that I had on hand. The macaroni and cheese holds together like a casserole and smells absolutely delicious. When I took the first bite I was completely intoxicated. The macaroni was perfectly tender, and the "cheese" was creamy and flavorful. If you blind-folded me and force fed me this dish, I would not in a MILLION years be able to tell that there is no cheese present in this dish whatsoever. Being a non-vegan, I love cheese as much as the next person but it is always very exciting to find healthy, environmentally conscious dishes that don't sacrifice their deliciousness!
Here you can see just how gooey and hearty this entree is! It is extremely healthy with 9 g of protein per serving and no cholesterol! After this I am definitely going to be trying the BBQ Delights (which my mom says are equally as delicious) and the lasagna dish. If you are interested in checking out Soul Vegan products, stop at your local Whole Foods store and definitely do not pass up the samples if they have them! You can also visit their website here to learn more about their products and values. Stay tuned for more Sunday grocery articles and be sure to comment with all of your thoughts and suggestions for other yummy foods! -Megan
looks so good!!!